Powering the Future

Powering the Future - Strengthening EU Competitiveness and Resilience with Nuclear Energy


This initiative is crucial for securing the EU’s future industrial edge, energy security, and sustainability. It addresses immediate geopolitical challenges and strategically positions the EU for the future economic and environmental leadership. By leveraging the timing of them Polish Presidency in 2025, the project aims to deliver long-term benefits that will fortify the EU’s position on the global stage and increase Warsaw’s profile as a driver of progress across the continent.

Why is this project important?

1. Enhancing EU Industrial Competitiveness

Technological Leadership: Investing in nuclear energy will position the EU at the forefront of cutting-edge technology. This will spur innovation across multiple sectors, leading to new industrial processes, products, and services that can compete globally.

Job Creation: By developing nuclear technology and supply chains, the EU can generate high-quality jobs, particularly in regions transitioning from coal-dependent industries. This will help mitigate unemployment and stimulate local economies.

Economic Growth: Strengthening the nuclear sector can attract significant investment, both domestic and international, driving overall economic growth and boosting the EU’s industrial base.

2. Improving Energy Security and Resilience

Reducing Dependence on Imports: The EU's heavy reliance on imported energy sources, especially from geopolitically unstable regions, makes it vulnerable to supply disruptions.

Expanding nuclear energy reduces this dependency, enhancing energy security.

Stable Energy Prices: Nuclear energy provides a steady and predictable energy supply, which can help stabilize energy prices. This is crucial for maintaining the competitiveness of energy-intensive industries within the EU.

Resilience to External Shocks: The recent geopolitical crises have highlighted the EU's vulnerability to external energy supply shocks. A robust nuclear energy sector can provide a reliable energy backbone, making the EU more resilient to such disruptions.

3. Supporting Decarbonization and Sustainable Development

Climate Goals: Nuclear energy is a low-carbon energy source, essential for meeting the EU’s ambitious climate targets. It complements renewable energy sources, providing a reliable base load that can balance intermittent renewable energy supplies.

Environmental Sustainability: By reducing reliance on high-emission fossil fuels, nuclear energy can significantly lower the EU's greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.

Technological Sustainability: Investing in sustainable, EU-based nuclear technologies ensures long-term environmental and economic sustainability, reducing the ecological footprint of energy production.

4. Strategic Geopolitical Positioning

Energy Independence: Developing a robust nuclear energy sector will help the EU achieve greater energy independence, reducing the strategic leverage of external energy suppliers.

Global Influence: A strong EU nuclear energy program can enhance the EU’s influence in global energy markets, allowing it to set standards and drive international energy policies.

Partnerships and Diplomacy: Strengthening relationships with key nuclear technology and fuel suppliers (e.g., the US and Canada) and supporting Ukraine's energy reconstruction will enhance the EU's diplomatic standing and foster international cooperation.